Monday 23 September 2024

The Perfidious Nature of the israeli Reich

The perfidious nature of israel and their attack on anyone, including our own President Michael D Higgins. 

It is long past time that the israeli Reich be called to order.

Children and non combatants die every minute

With regard to a normal letter between heads of state the israeli embassy in Dublin entered into the arena. 

The israeli embassy in Dublin said: "Unfortunately in Ireland, since the October 7 invasion by Hamas and massacre in israel, which triggered this awful war, israel has been subjected to a high level of malicious statements and accusations that have often manifested as incitement to hatred.

"This baseless accusation is highly inflammatory and potentially slanderous and the embassy rejects it completely.

"The fact remains that the letter was written and (therefore) it is the burden of the author to defend its content, which did not mention the threat Iran poses in the region, that it calls for israel's destruction, that it arms and funds terrorist organisations like Hamas and Hezbollah, not to mention the violations of human rights against its own citizens."


There is no room in Ireland for the killers of children and whole peoples. The attack on individual states like Lebanon is in total contravention of United Nations principles. 

I call upon the Irish Government to sever all diplomatic relations with israel and to expel all israeli passport holders from Ireland. 

They do not deserve to exist in our country.

Citizens of any indiscriminate child killer states must be ostracised and removed from all civilised countries.

All else is acquiescence.. 

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