Monday 23 September 2024


In the matter of the most outrageous reply from the israelis in Dublin to our revered President Michael D Higgins I have submitted the following to Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Micheál Martin TD. Unfortunately there is a 250 character limit for online submissions.

Ref the debacle on the Iran letter, the lack of respect accorded to President Higgins is highly offensive. I would suggest that this should result in a journalist's removal from a Consular list (to teach them some manners)


In this video Irish journalists are haranging the President in a totally unacceptable manner, this is a disgrace... where is the respect for President Michael D Higgins..?

if we have descended to.. gutter type journalism without respect for any individual or institution then there is no hope for Ireland..  to all Irish journalists of this ilk I say just move to England.. you may be welcome there...

Who Are the Gobshites?

Whilst the Indo was never a bastion of anything they have reached a new low.

With regard to the ill-mannered and disrespectful content of this video by Irish journalists to our own President I have complained and would suggest that others do so also...

Who Are the Gobshites?


The Editor.

I take serious objection to the content of the video posted as per the url:

The treatment of our own President by Irish journalists is disgraceful and I for one would wish to know who they are so as to complain to them or their employers.

In this video Irish journalists are taking an anti President Michael D Higgins stance and one must wonder are they all bought off at this juncture?

Des Donnelly
Co Tyrone


The Perfidious Nature of the israeli Reich

The perfidious nature of israel and their attack on anyone, including our own President Michael D Higgins. 

It is long past time that the israeli Reich be called to order.

Children and non combatants die every minute

With regard to a normal letter between heads of state the israeli embassy in Dublin entered into the arena. 

The israeli embassy in Dublin said: "Unfortunately in Ireland, since the October 7 invasion by Hamas and massacre in israel, which triggered this awful war, israel has been subjected to a high level of malicious statements and accusations that have often manifested as incitement to hatred.

"This baseless accusation is highly inflammatory and potentially slanderous and the embassy rejects it completely.

"The fact remains that the letter was written and (therefore) it is the burden of the author to defend its content, which did not mention the threat Iran poses in the region, that it calls for israel's destruction, that it arms and funds terrorist organisations like Hamas and Hezbollah, not to mention the violations of human rights against its own citizens."


There is no room in Ireland for the killers of children and whole peoples. The attack on individual states like Lebanon is in total contravention of United Nations principles. 

I call upon the Irish Government to sever all diplomatic relations with israel and to expel all israeli passport holders from Ireland. 

They do not deserve to exist in our country.

Citizens of any indiscriminate child killer states must be ostracised and removed from all civilised countries.

All else is acquiescence.. 

To The Irish Examiner - Examine Yourselves!

To the Editor, Irish Examiner

I must complain about your article from Mon, 23 Sep, 2024 - 16:36 by Cormac O’Keeffe, Security Correspondent.

"Gardaí 'fact finding' President's claim Israeli Embassy in Dublin circulated letter he sent to Iran"

Within the body of the story is the paragraph:

"The letter was published in a British publication, the Jewish Chronicle, and attracted strong criticism from a number of international security academics and some Irish politicians, including within Fine Gael."

Cormac O’Keeffe does not substantiate this assertion in any way:
  • What was the nature of the strong criticism in this context?
  • Who were the international security academics?
  • How did the supposed international security academics enter into the story?
  • Who were the "some Irish politicians, including within Fine Gael"?
Is this what we have come to where a journalist in Cork offers innuendo as implied criticism of our own President and does not even offer basic journalistic due diligence by either: 
  • A. referencing the person(s) / source(s) quoted 
  • B. referencing the supposed text forming the basis of  O’Keeffe's highly opinionated "strong criticism"
This is a total disgrace:

I call upon Cormac O’Keeffe and the Irish Examiner to have the manners and the decency to make a formal apology to President Michael D Higgins and the nation.

Des Donnelly

Saturday 14 September 2024

Non-linear Manifolds

 A chicken crossing the road of Multi-Dimensional Reasoning could never answer why, I presume time is the imperative..

Prompt: good evening, what does "non-linear manifolds" mean in an LLM context?

1. Manifolds as the Backbone of LLM Understanding:

Large Language Models (LLMs) organize language data on non-linear manifolds that twist, fold, and curve to capture the complexity of relationships between words and concepts in high-dimensional spaces. This structure is fixed post-training but dynamically navigated during interactions.

2. Fixed Manifolds with Dynamic Responses:

While the manifolds themselves are fixed after training, the LLM’s ability to explore different parts of these manifolds allows it to generate dynamic, context-specific responses to user prompts, creating the impression of adaptability and intelligence.

3. The Primacy of the Prompt:

The prompt serves as the crucial interface between the user and the LLM, guiding the model’s journey through the manifold and determining the quality of the response. Well-crafted prompts lead to more precise, creative, or insightful outputs, making prompt design a vital skill for interacting with LLMs.

4. Contextual Nuance in Prompts:

The context and tone of a prompt, such as an anthropological or philosophical framing, can significantly influence how the LLM responds. The model retrieves information from different conceptual domains depending on the specific context provided by the prompt.

5. Cross-Manifold Navigation:

LLMs can combine knowledge from multiple manifolds when responding to complex prompts. For example, a prompt that asks for an analysis of wild animals in literature requires the LLM to pull from both animal knowledge and literary references, blending concepts from different domains.

6. The Evolution of Prompting as a Skill:

As LLMs become more sophisticated, prompt engineering will emerge as a core skill in various fields. The ability to craft precise, context-rich prompts will differentiate basic interactions from highly productive or creative ones, making prompt design essential for effective use of AI systems.

7. LLMs as Reflectors of Cultural and Philosophical Thought:

LLMs not only retrieve factual information but can also reflect cultural, philosophical, and symbolic perspectives based on how users prompt them. This (will maybe some day when the leash is off) make LLMs powerful tools for exploring and generating nuanced, reflective, or even humorous content.

8. Dynamic Real-Time Interpretation:

LLMs interpret each prompt in real-time, dynamically navigating the manifold to provide responses that reflect both semantic relationships (meaning) and syntactic structure (grammar). This makes interactions feel adaptive, even though the manifold itself remains static. (interestingly this does morph somewhat when the Prompt necessitates the use of multple manifold, in that scenario I would contend that the response becomes even more dynamic, but that is just a theory at this time)

9. Shaping Future Discourse with AI:

As AI systems become more integrated into everyday life, prompts will play a role in shaping cultural production, from art to media to public discourse. The way users frame prompts will influence how AI-generated content reflects and may serve to shape societal values, trends, and creative expression.

10. LLM’s Role in Human-AI Collaboration:

The future of human-AI interaction will heavily rely on the collaborative power of prompts. Prompts will guide LLMs in generating solutions to complex problems, creative works, or even collaborative insights. The interaction between human intent and AI reasoning will be driven by the art of prompt crafting.

These takeaways capture the core of the conversation, highlighting the importance of manifold structures, the dynamic role of prompts, and the evolving relationship between humans and AI as these systems continue to grow more powerful.

Read the full article here:

This was intended to be an article from a discussion with Claude Sonnet on biomimicry (coming soon), alas I ran out of tokens at a most important juncture. :-(
